• Bordeaux Blend - 750ML
    • JA 98
    • WE 94
    • WS 91
    janeanson.com, 98 points

    Needs coaxing out of the glass, as is true with so many 2005s even at 16 years old, but straight off the first nose you get the most beautiful nuance and turmeric-strewn spice. It's exotic if subtle, with a creamy...

    Reg: $189.94 $159.94
    13 in stock
  • Bordeaux Blend - 750ML
    • DC 94
    • JG 94
    • JS 93
    Decanter, 94 points

    I'm not sure you need me to recap the weather conditions in 2005 as it's such a famous, and relatively recent, year. Suffice to say, it was pretty close to a perfect year, with spots of heat but generally cool evenings...

    Reg: $149.94 $129.94
    5 in Pre-Arrival